Land Application of Residuals and Chicken Manure
in the Lake Okeechobee Watershed: Phosphorus Considerations
Telephone |
Fax |
Address |
James Laing | jlaing@sfwmd.gov | 561 |
682-6667 |
682-6442 |
SFWMD, 3301 Gun
Club Rd. West Palm Beach FL 33406 |
X |
Benita Whalen | bwhalen@sfwmd.gov | 561 |
682-6869 |
SFWMD-West Palm | X |
Odi Villapando | rvillap@sfwmd.gov | 863 |
462-5260 |
Parrot St Okeechobee FL 34972 |
X |
Linda Price | lprice@sfwmd.gov | 863 |
462-5260 |
SFWMD-Okeechobee | X |
Al Steinman | astein@sfwmd.gov | 561 |
682-6492 |
SFWMD-West Palm | ||
John Morgan | jmorganj@sfwmd.gov | 863 |
462-5260 |
SFWMD-Okeechobee | ||
Lewis Hornung | lhornun@sfwmd.gov | 561 |
682-2007 |
SFWMD-West Palm | ||
Maurice Barker | maurice.barker@dep.state.fl.us | 850 |
488-4524 |
DEP-Water Resource
Management Twin Towers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, FL 32399-2400 |
X |
Eric Livingston | eric.livingston@dep.state.fl.us | 850 |
921-9915 |
DEP-Division of
Water Facilities Water Resource Management 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, FL 32399-2400 |
Jerry Brooks | jerry.brooks@dep.state.fl.us | 850 |
921-9723 |
DEP-Division of
Water Res. Mgmt. Twin Towers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, FL 32399-2400 |
Frank Leteux | leteuxf@doacs.state.fl.us | 850 |
414-0200 |
DOACS-Water Policy
Coordination 3125 Conner Blvd Rm 173 Tallahassee, FL 32399 |
X |
John Folks | folksj@doacs.state.fl.us | 850 |
414-9928 |
DOACS-Water Policy Coordination | ||
Chuck Aller | allerc@doacs.state.fl.us | 850 |
488-3022 |
DOACS, The Capitol
LL 28 Tallahassee, FL 32399 |
George OConnor | gao@gnv.ifas.ufl.edu | 352 |
392-7181 |
PO Box 110510, U
of F Gainesville FL 32611-0510 |
Tom Obreza | taob@gnv.ifas.ufl.edu | 941 |
658-3400 |
658-3469 |
2686 SR 29 N Immokalee FL 34142-9515 |
John Capece | john@capece.ws | 863 |
674-5727 |
675-1233 |
DataStream, Inc. PO Box 1577 LaBelle FL 33975 |
Dudley Kirton | 863 | 634-7137 | 467-6674 | Kirton
Ranch Okeechobee FL |
Rex McLung | utilsrv@gate.net | 561 | 338-7331 | 338-4255 | City
of Boca Raton WWTP 1401 Glades Rd., Boca Raton 33432 |
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